
Zoom is a game made in less than 48 hours during the first edition of the Game Jam Battle hosted by the SAT (Société des Arts Technologiques) during Montreal's 2015 Digital Spring. The teams were constituted of 4 students or recent graduates and a mentor.

Zoom is a typical platformer with a special twist. Since the theme of the jam was "Two steps forward, one step back", the camera zooms on the character as you advance, so you often need to take a step back to get a broader view and memorize the obstacles.

To get a good score, you need to finish the level as quickly as possible and get as many coins as possible under 30 seconds. There are 14 levels so far.

Since I was the only programmer on a team of 4 designers, I did most of the general game programming (game flow, camera movement, menus, highscores, sounds integration) while the designers were working on the obstacles and elements related to their level designs.

Tools used:

  • Unity
  • Visual Studio C#

Some of the features I implemented:

  • All the Game Flow
  • The Camera Mechanics (zoom-in/out and smooth follow)
  • Music/Sounds Integration
  • The Menus
  • The HUD
  • The Highscores